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Planet of the Apes, Deadpool, Alien
Brennan Lee Mulligan on Um, Actually
Know-it-alls Hector, Joan, and Brennan debate if Celine Dion is a Marvel character.
Up Next in Brennan Lee Mulligan on Um, Actually
Knights of the Old Republic, Howard t...
Brennan, Siobhan, and Ify discuss British cuisine, breaking the fourth wall and why ships are named with numerals.
Spongebob, Lord of the Rings, The Twi...
Oops, all loud, opinionated, center stagers! Featuring Brennan, Adam Conover, and Jon Gabrus.
Tolkien, Gotham, Scrooge McDuck
Brennan Lee Mulligan, Siobhan Thompson, and Winston A. Marshall try to deliver a Santa fatality.