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Dimension 20 [Audio Only]

Through the Venomlands [Audio Only]

Season 24, Episode 2

Up Next in Dungeons and Drag Queens Season 2

  • Ice, Ice, Fae-by [Audio Only]

    To free Mophandrix from his icy prison, the Queens face off with some very large foes.

    Content Warning:
    Hemophobia (Animation of blood) [10:58-11:05, 1:12:23-1:12:27]
    Misophonia (Squelching) [1:45:35-1:46:40]

  • Shady by the Sea [Audio Only]

    The Queens party it up in Winter's Eve, but the intentions of their new allies come into question.

  • The Queens Take Matali [Audio Only]

    Prizefights, potions, and peril await as the Queens seek a boon to aid them in the coming battle.

    Content Warning:
    Gore - [1:58:55-1:59:04]
    Misophonia (Blood gushing, bones crunching) - [1:58:55-1:59:04]