Live stream preview
To free Mophandrix from his icy prison, the Queens face off with some very large foes.
Content Warning:
Hemophobia (Animation of blood) [10:58-11:05, 1:12:23-1:12:27]
Misophonia (Squelching) [1:45:35-1:46:40]
Up Next in Season 2
Shady by the Sea
The Queens party it up in Winter's Eve, but the intentions of their new allies come into question.
The Queens Take Matali
Prizefights, potions, and peril await as the Queens seek a boon to aid them in the coming battle.
Content Warning:
Gore - [1:58:55-1:59:04]
Misophonia (Blood gushing, bones crunching) - [1:58:55-1:59:04]