A Place of Knowing
Dimension 20: Misfits and Magic (The Complete Experience)
In the face of sudden tragedy, the misfits journey to an island of lost things.
Content Warning:
Gore/Exsanguination (Death by Bleeding Out)/Drowning [2:20-2:34, 4:09-4:28, 6:56-7:21, 10:55-13:37, 26:43-26:56]
Hemophobia (description of blood) / Gore [8:10-8:17, 40:19-43:17]
Up Next in Dimension 20: Misfits and Magic (The Complete Experience)
You Had a Bad Day
The cast discuss big swings, Sam's heroic charm, and things left unsaid.
Content Warning:
Mention of dead body [22:36-22:40] -
A Change of Plan
The misfits reach their mission's destination, but old enemies await and tension brews.
Content Warning:
Emetophobia (Retching) [49:44 - 49:58]
Imitation of Hard Drug Use [throughout 1:03:09 - 1:22:43, 1:53:43 - 2:05:11]
Description of Sudden Death [1:43:23 - 1:48:57] -
The Funny Season
Erika gives wax facts, Danielle plays auctioneer, and the cast discuss the horrors of Seegenpelater.
Content Warning:
Discussion of Addiction [8:15 - 8:50]